光纤vwin真人娱乐控制开关被认为是一种有潜力的替代品,可以替代传统的壁挂式灯开关,后者通常使用铜线在导管内运行。的article paper describes the considerations prior to the switch design and the problems met during fabrication and design, as part of the lighting energy conservation research program hosted by the National Research Council of Canada.
的vwin真人娱乐光纤交换机下面用图表说明了这一点。的entire switch system is made up of three separate subsystems: the control module, the fiber, as well as the wall switch.The control module is truly a three terminal devices connecting in the electrical line.The module houses the triac switch. Could be much longer, as the attenuation properties of the fiber were minor in comparison to the other system losses.The wall switch is a simple mechanical devices; the two fibers entering are close and aligned together so that light is referred from one to the other.Sliding path, thereby triggering the control module, even though the light -emitting diode source and the photo -duplication detector.The light-emitting diode remains on whether the triac switch is placed on or off.The light from the light-emitting diode is delivered to the wall switch through one of thevwin真人娱乐光缆产品同样的光从墙上的开关传回控制模块接口,控制模块内的光达林顿触发可控硅。的optical fiber used was 300 micron core plastics clad silica fiber with a nylon jacket but could easily have been a twin type fiber with adhesive backing to permit easy installation on wall surfaces.The length of each of the two fiber links was 13 meters.
